Thursday, December 11, 2014

100 Reasons to Smile Today

100 Reasons to Smile Today
  1. The Kate Spade loafers from Nordstrom's that have been getting me happily through Winter (see picture above) :)
  2. 2 for 1 Happy Hour
  3. Your mechanic said it's under warranty
  4. When someone sexy kisses your bellybutton
  5. My daughter said "okay"...and did it!
  6. The smell of Fall
  7. Watching your kids sporting events
  8. Holding hands
  9. You get carded buying a lottery ticket (happened to me on Wednesday! yay!)
  10. When you look over at him and he's already staring at you
  11. A good haircut
  12. Walmart's $2.99 bottle of wine
  13. Finding an Ann Taylor gift card and it still has some money on it
  14. Getting a birthday card in the mail
  15. Months with 3 pay periods
  16. A good book
  17. When you're walking to your table and he puts his hand on the small of your back
  18. Sharing
  19. An ice cold Coke on a hot summer day
  20. First kisses
  21. The smell of burning candles
  22. Breakfast for dinner
  23. Afternoon naps during summertime rainstorms
  24. Finding a dollar in your pocket
  25. Reading old love letters and seeing your name in his handwriting
  26. That "aha" moment when everything makes sense
  27. Finding your own Jake Ryan
  28. The way your cool covers feel on your sunburned skin
  29. Wishing on a shooting star and knowing it's gonna come true
  30. Eating an apple picked right off the tree
  31. Playing golf in the Fall
  32. The way the golf ball sounds when you put it in the cup
  33. Warm, soft, gentle breezes
  34. Fireflies
  35. Champagne
  36. Warm clothes right out of the dryer
  37. Driving with the top down on a windy summer day
  38. A Red Sox game on a beautiful summer night in Fenway
  39. Pleasant surprises
  40. Cup of Coffee #1 in the morning
  41. When you don't have to set your alarm
  42. Intimate conversations
  43. When you get off the plane and someone you love is waiting for you
  44. Cuddling by the fireplace
  45. Shopping for your wedding dress
  46. When the Bears/Cubs/Bulls/Blackhawks win
  47. Sexy moonlight swims under the stars
  48. Pedicures
  49. Goodbye Winter, hello Spring
  50. Seedless watermelon
  51. Divine Intervention
  52. Turning up the radio and singing all the words to Def Leppard's "Photograph"...really loud!
  53. Sleeping with the windows open
  54. The first "sweater day" of the year
  55. Scratch-off tickets
  56. Bartles & Jaymes original wine coolers in the 4-pack
  57. White on white Tretorns
  58. Ankle bracelets
  59. Wearing perfume to bed...and nothing else...
  60. Unless it's his tee-shirt...
  61. Butterflies in your stomach
  62. Fresh sheets
  63. Bubble baths
  64. True love
  65. Christmas lights
  66. Meeting his parents
  67. When your steak comes perfectly cooked
  68. Puppies
  69. Getting your dream house
  70. Kisses on your neck
  71. Sunsets
  72. Long walks on the beach
  73. Homemade hot chocolate
  74. Wildflowers
  75. When the leaves change colors in the Fall
  76. The way the air smells after it rains
  77. Old friends
  78. When someone says "I miss you"
  79. Thunder
  80. Giving (or getting) forgiveness
  81. Looking up at the stars with someone special
  82. That little unexepected shop tucked behind all the big shops
  83. Sleeping into double-digits
  84. Day dreams
  85. Hugs that take your breath away
  86. Full moons
  87. The hustle and bustle of a big city
  88. A good VHI "Behind the Music"
  89. Sharing a chocolate martini for dessert
  90. That in-between feeling when you're half asleep and half awake
  91. Sweet memories
  92. Being tickled
  93. Making a wish and blowing a dandelion into the wind
  94. A good fortune cookie
  95. Second chances
  96. Adventures!
  97. Live music
  98. Lily Pulitzer anything
  99. Smelling his cologne