Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Roasted Asparagus with Prosciutto and Fried Eggs

I've given you almost a month to regroup.
Holidays are over, decorations are put away, liver's rested...let's ease into the new year.

I know...I know, you still have resolutions.  No worries.  This is brunch, the most civilized of meals.  It's indulgent and leisurely at the same time. Can you drink champagne at 11:00 in the morning?  You can if it's brunch.  Can you take 4 hours in the middle of the day to do nothing but eat and drink and laugh with your friends?  Yes, it's brunch.  Then can you take a long and rejuvenating  nap until dinner?  OF COURSE, it's brunch!

This is the most luxurious of the protein and vegetable families, with no processed carbs to get in the way.  Wait, "no bread to dip into the unctuous, velvety egg yolk"  you're thinking? Nope, the prosciutto does it for you.  You won't even miss it.  Stick with me kid, I know things...  :)

serves 2

1 bunch asparagus, not too fat
1 or 2 eggs per person (you decide)
prosciutto di parma
wedge parmesan cheese (plus a fine cheese grater or rasp)
salt/cracked pepper
olive oil
1 tablespoon salted butter
optional:  1 or 2 icy cold bottles of prosecco

Preheat oven to 400 degrees

Trim asparagus and place on cookie sheet. Drizzle olive oil over and toss.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Roast for approx. 20 minutes, then check it.  It will be done when a fork is inserted easily into the stalks.

Approx. 5 minutes before asparagus is done, start the eggs.
Melt butter in a non-stick pan and fry eggs.  I like mine over-medium, crusty around the edges.

If you timed it right, the asparagus should be done.  Take it out of the oven and grate parmesan over the top.  Use the fine holes, because it will almost melt into the food.

Divide asparagus among 2 plates.  Place eggs on top.  sprinkle with salt, pepper, and grate more parmesan over all.  Place prosciutto slices around the plate (as many as you'd like).  Serve immediately while it's still warm.

Pour some bubbly prosecco, choose a relaxing station on Pandora, and settle in for a simple brunch that's as rich and decadent as anything you ate during the holidays, but without any of the guilt.  This year is gonna be AWESOME...I can't wait to spend it with you!

salty asparagus, velvety yolk, buttery prosciutto...heaven...

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